Scripture Reading - Ephesians 6:5-8 KJV

5 Servants, be obedient to them that are your masters according to the flesh, with fear and trembling, in singleness of your heart, as unto Christ;
6 Not with eyeservice, as menpleasers; but as the servants of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart;
7 With good will doing service, as to the Lord, and not to men:
8 Knowing that whatsoever good thing any man doeth, the same shall he receive of the Lord, whether he be bond or free.

Recently we have been studying “Relationships” among various people. We have looked at “Surface Relationships” for those you only know on a surface level (common general information). We have also reviewed “Ministry Mode” for those people you help as unto the Lord expecting nothing in return. We have also looked at “Business Mode” for those relationships in which it is nothing personal just strictly mutual benefit. This lesson we will explore a relationship known as “Employee Mode”. Many workers all over this world are engaged in an “employee mode” relationship because they work for someone else or they at least work with someone else. In “Employee Mode” we must remember that there is a greater good at stake in what we are doing and how we are doing it. First the greater good in what we are doing speaks of producing goods or services that will benefit mankind (the customer, other people, end users). Since the Believer is encouraged to be a good worker (steward) as a servant of Christ it is important for us to glorify God in our work ethic. We should be at work on-time and be totally prepared to work the whole time we are at work. Since the Lord Jesus Christ is all about excellence we should model that type of behavior in our daily performance, if your work doesn’t show goodness (quality) you are not a good worker. It should never be said that a true Christian worker is lazy. We should work well daily (everyday, consistently) and produce our services and/or products that speak quality (excellence) to all those receiving our products and/or services. Now concerning the greater good when it comes to how we do what we are doing, we should keep (maintain) a good attitude. It is unrealistic to think that every Christian worker is perfect in character and in decision making. This would be a false goal for any person to present but it is very possible to keep a good healthy positive attitude in all that we do. We (ihlcc) know that mistakes can happen but how we handle ourselves during a mistake or work problem speaks volumes to those watching us. As Christian workers we should be quick to admit fault if we truly make (or made) a mistake. We should accept the responsibility for the problem it caused and do some self-examination to determine the root cause and fix it at the root instead of looking for someone else to take the blame. This healthy attitude of goodness should also be displayed when someone else made the mistake because as representatives of the Kingdom of God our King was (and is, and forever shall be) very merciful to us for our past and present mistakes (including bad decision resulting in sin). This is as well walking in love with one another. We should consider what would love do according to God’s Word. How we treat our fellow workers and boss either shows the reality of Jesus Christ or it does not. Remember if we don’t show love to those around us we are not showing God, thus we are not being Christ-like (a Christian). Amen. So when thinking about work be sure to think about God first because without the heart of goodness in what we do and how we do it we will not master the art of “Employee Mode”. “Employee Mode” in work relationship puts your relationship with your Lord and Savior at the forefront of your direct relationship with all the people you work with. It is not good enough to be a man pleaser at work but rather a God pleaser first that blesses other co-workers in word, attitude and conduct such that this type of superior workmanship pleases both God and man. Thus, the secret to “Employee Mode” is being about your Heavenly Father’s business of representing excellence first to gain favor with God resulting in gaining respect from man secondly. If you do this consistently you shall effectively glorify Jesus both on the job (on earth) and off the job (in Heaven) through the relationship of “Employee Mode”. In “Employee Mode” you realize your reward for your work is not solely in man’s hand but influenced by God Almighty in Heaven. Keeping your eyes upon Jesus helps you to concentrate on always doing good independently of your pay because whenever you do good in God’s Kingdom, as a servant of Christ, you shall reap your full reward in due season. Since your reward is tied to your Supervisor in Heaven you can rest assured that He (Jesus and our Heavenly Father) is faithful even when men are not. Amen!